Our apartment
K:Alice and Mary are good friends. Alice is coming to see Mary. Mary is waiting for her.
R: Alice: Hello, Mary! Are you waiting for me? Am I late? Mary: Oh no, Alice, you are not. It is just five (o´clock).
K:The girls are looking at the house. It is new and very nice. It is in the middle of a large garden.
R: Mary: Look, Alice. This is our house. Alice: Oh, what a lovely house! And what a nice garden you have. Mary: Do you like it? Alice: Yes, very much.
K:Now they are in the garden. Mary´s grandfather is working there.
R: Mary: Come on, Alice. You must meet our grandfather... Alice: Good afternoon, Mr. Robins. Mary: This is Alice, Grandfather. She is coming to see me. Grandfather: Good afternoon, Alice. I am glad to meet you.
K:This is the hall. Alice is taking off her coat.
R: Mary: Well, here we are in the hall. You can take off your coat. Alice: Yes, of course. It is so warm here.
K:Mrs. Robins, Mary´s mother, is in the kitchen. She is cooking. She has a lot to do.
R: Mary: Hello, Mummy! Alice: Good afternoon, Mrs. Robins. Mrs. R.: It is nice of you that you have come, Alice. Mary often talks about you.
K:Parents´ bedroom is large and light. Alice likes it very much.
R: Mary: Here is my parents´ bedroom . Do you like it? Alice: I like it very much. It is a very nice room. So large and light.
K:In the sitting-room grandmother is vacuuming the floor.
R: Mary: This is my friend Alice, Grandmother. Grandmother: Good afternoon, girls. But you can\'t stay here. I am vacuuming the floor. Go to your room, Mary. Mary: Yes, Grandmother.
K:This is children´s room. Alice is looking at a book. Mary is bringing a ball. She wants to go out and play.
R: Alice: Can I have a look at this book, Mary? Mary: You can take it home if you like. Alice: Can I? Oh, thank you. Mary: And now let´s go out and play. Alice: All right, let´s go.
K:It is tea-time. The girls are hungry. Mrs. Robins is bringing some cakes and tea.
R: Mother: Girls, come and have a cup of tea. You must be hungry. Mary: Yes, we are, Mummy. Mother: Do you like tea with milk, Alice? Alice: Yes, I do. Thank you, Mrs. Robins.
K:In the bathroom we can see Peter, Mary´s brother. He is washing his hands.
R: Mary: Peter! Peter: Yes? What do you want? Mary: Alice is here. Peter: Hello, Alice! Wait a minute. I am washing my hands.
K:Alice is going home. Mr. Robins is coming home from work.
R: Mary: Hello, Father! Do you know Alice? She is my best friend. Father: It´s nice to meet you, Alice. Where are you going? Alice: I am running home. It is late. Mummy is waiting for me. Good-bye, Mr. Robins. Father: Come again, Alice.
K:In the garden Alice must say good-bye to her grandfather. She has a pear and an apple in her hands.
R: Grandfather: Do you like apples and pears, Alice? Alice: Yes, I do. Grandfather: Have some. We have a lot of them. Alice: Thank you very much. Grandfather: That´s all right. And come soon again.
K:Alice is in the street. She must go home. Her mother is waiting for her.
R: Alice: Bye-bye, Mary. I must run home. Mary: See you tomorrow. And thank you for coming.